Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Off the wagon
Lets begin this return with a few confessions: I have COMPLETELY fallen off the healthy lifestyle wagon...and the blogging wagon (until this moment)...and pretty much any wagon I think I might have been on. My life feels as if it has taken a complete days are definitely not what they used to be. The reason?
WE BOUGHT A RESTAURANT! Well, technically its a restaurant and pie shop/bakery, but nonetheless, my life now fully and completely revolves around cooking...and pie...lots and lots of pie.
Its been a whirlwind adventure since the beginning of July,when my husband and I, along with our two best friends Mikey and Lisa, bought the Pie Place in Burleson, TX. In the past months, we have been trained in restaurant management using what some might call the "sink or swim" method. Its been utterly exhausting, emotionally and physically trying, exhilarating, terrifying, and all-together lovely. I have never spent so much time on my feet, or so few hours sleeping, or spent so much time in a kitchen in all my 24 years.
It might seem as if I'm complaining - I certainly am not, I'm only being candid about the whole experience. When someone tells you that owning a restaurant is hard work, BELIEVE THEM! Its also rewarding to know that people love something that you've created....that you're responsible for bringing people together over warm plates of food and yummy slices of pie. I love hearing the phrase "I'm so stuffed" uttered in the shop, because it means it was just too good to stop. Food is a universally uniting force. I am honored to be a small part of such a powerful thing.
So, in summary:
1) I would love to get back to blogging...but I also know i have precious few hours of downtime, and I usually want to spend them decompressing my brain, so I'm aware that it isn't likely.
2) I do plan on attempting to get back to a healthy lifestyle. I have finally gotten to the point where I'm not eating pie every day, so that is a huge improvement. :)
3) We would love for you to come have a meal at our the restaurant, that is, not out actual home (although I'm sure that'd be equally lovely).
Please, grace us with your presence (and we'll grace you with some pie!)
Pie Place Cafe & Bakery
104 E. Ellison St
Burleson, TX 76028
(located in Old Town Burleson)
Well, duty calls.
Peace, love, and pie,
Thursday, May 21, 2009
A Confession, a Triumph, and a Question
Alas, we must move on. Focus on the positives, I say…I’m back, for one!
In order to provide an update on the status of my health journey, we have to go back to last weekend.
May 14th was Jon’s birthday, and May 16th was mine, and to celebrate, we decided to spend the weekend in San Antonio at a beautiful Bed and Breakfast called 1908 Ayres Inn. (Side Note: I HIGHLY recommend this place for anyone looking for a unique place to stay in that area!) In case you couldn’t tell by its Spanish moniker, San Antonio is a city rich with Texan & Mexican culture. These cultures combine to culminate the greatest pitfall of my dieting: Tex-Mex.
Let’s just say, the abundance of delicious chips and salsa, guacamole, enchiladas and tacos (not to mention Coke and DP), along with the oft-uttered phrase “what the heck, it’s our birthdays!” sent me into deep nutritional peril. Granted, we did walk A LOT, and I managed to keep my portions to a relatively normal size, but nonetheless, the guilt was abundant. Sadly, the weigh-in upon our return home was equally guilt-laden. I gained back almost 3 pounds. Blech.
At least it gave me a renewed sense of vigor. Once again, I’m back on the straight and narrow (sort of). Although I will say that having 3 days of no working out really made me lazy! I was surprised at how fast that happened. Even still, I got back on the proverbial horse and as of this morning, I’m pretty much still on track with my plan. *gives self pat on the back*
I’d love to delve into the details of the rest of my two week absence from this blog, but time just doesn’t allow it.
Question for anyone who reads/feels like responding: If you could wake up tomorrow with one skill completely mastered, what would it be? Mine would be photography. I’d love to know yours!
Be back soon, lovelies!
K. Smith
Thursday, May 7, 2009
le jardin
So I accidently missed quote Wednesday…not that I think anyone was too disappointed, but still. So here’s the quote that was supposed to be up yesterday:
“It is a paradoxical but profoundly true and important principle of life that the most likely way to reach a goal is to be aiming not at that goal itself but at some more ambitious goal beyond it.”
-Arnold Toynbee, 1889-1975
If I had started this blog a few months ago, everyone would already know that my husband and I have endeavored to start our own garden. Since you didn’t get a step by step update thus far, I’ll provide you with a condensed version of our experiment:
· A few months ago we started seeds indoors for these plants:
o Squash
o Cucumber
o Tomato
o Bell Pepper
o Lavender
o Cilantro
o Parsley
o Green Onion
o Oregano
· We also bought the following for transplanting:
o Peppers
o Rosemary
o Onions
o Blueberry bushes (2 different varieties for cross-pollination)
o Lady Cross Dragon vines (for the posts of our pack patio)
o Snap Dragons
o Marigolds (for the veggie garden)
· The entire back half of our yard was originally a garden, but the soil hasn’t been worked in a LONG time, so because of drainage issues, we had to go with a raised bed, which we built ourselves.
· A little work and a lot of money later, we have a beautiful seedling of a garden (pun intended), and I’m SO excited to see it growing and doing well!
· We’ve run across a couple of hitches – some small animal likes to play (and poop) in our garden. That’s no fun. And the wind killed 2 of our bell pepper plants. Also no fun. Also, squirrels keep burying their nuts in various places throughout my yard and garden. I don't enjoy this!
So that’s the general run down. I plan to post pictures tomorrow of the garden, as well as the little gem I discovered this morning – my squash have pretty little squash blossoms! I love it. It’s such a wonderful feeling of accomplishment knowing Jon and I were able to do all of this from scratch (or most of it).
Blessings to you, and here’s to hoping the sun peeks out sometime soon so my plants keep thriving!
K. Smith
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Real Changes
Despite the negative vibes from the scale, I am feeling much better about myself. I successfully met all my goals last week, and even after a weekend surrounded by all things fried and delicious, I'm still on track. In fact, for the first time in a LONG time, I actually WANT to work out. This is a huge step for me! And because I am working hard each morning, I have added motivation to keep my calories in line.
On that note, I reviewed my food log from last week and realized that although I stayed well within my calorie limit, I'm still not making the healthiest choices. Lots and lots of carbs, a lack of fruits, veggies and dairy...and did I mention carbs? So in my continuing effort to be a healthy version of me, this week I will diligently try to make better food group choices.
After a little pondering, I've arrived at the conclusion that my spiritual walk is a lot like my health. For me, spending time studying the Bible or just talking with God can seem like a "have to" at times. But just like the workout thing, repeated behavior can change the way you look at an activity, and soon you're wanting to do it instead of having to do it. And because you are taking the time to improve that area of your life, it makes you much more conscious of the choices you make throughout the day. One action spurs on the bettering of another. I hope all of that makes sense. I pray that my spirit gets to the "wanting" place instead of the "have to" place. One day at a time, folks, one day at a time.
K. Smith
Friday, May 1, 2009
Viva la Revolution!
It’s a fitness revolution, people! Alright, that may be a slight exaggeration, but none the less, I’ve encouraged several friends (and they’ve encouraged their friends) to join me on this 30 day jump start to a healthier existence. It’s a big motivator to know that someone will be checking in with me on a regular basis to make sure I’m living up to my commitments.
In my attempts to trim my calories and make better choices, I’ve discovered some yummy snacks that help carry me through the day. Although a few might seem a little high in calories (especially in this 100 calorie snack pack world we live in), but I think the calories can be afforded thanks to the health benefits.
· Bolthouse Farms C-Boost fruit smoothie – If you’re feeling a bit down, or you’re just terrified of getting that little piggy flu, this drink packs a whopping 2160% of your daily vitamin C, all naturally provided by the fruit in the drink. They key is a little gem called the Camu Camu fruit, which has more natural vitamin C than any other botanical on the planet. It also gives you a nice dose of Vitamins A & E, and folic acid.
o Nutrition Info – 290 calories for the whole bottle.
o Serving Tip - Freeze it! It makes a very yummy slushy.
· Bolthouse Farms Hazelnut Latte or Vanilla Chai Latte Protein Drinks – These protein drinks are so yummy and so filling! Each 8 oz serving (about 2 in each bottle) has 10g of protein, contains 18 amino acids, and is low fat with no added sugars. Both flavors are healthy, delicious (and affordable) alternatives to pricey chain coffee shops (I think you know what I’m referencing).
o Nutrition Info – 160 calories for one 8 oz serving.
o Serving Tip - They’re wonderful as is, or it’d be nice over ice with a little dap of fat free whipped cream on top!
· Flat Earth Veggie Crisps in Farmland Cheddar – These are my favorite answer to my stomach’s eternal call for something salty. With ½ a serving of veggies in each 1oz serving of chips, there’s no need for guilt, either! While they don’t replace actual veggies, they’re a good way to get a little boost in there.
o Nutrition Info – 130 calories per 1oz serving (about 12 crisps)
o Serving Tip – They are too tasty to eat straight from the bag. Before you know it, you’ll have eaten way more than 1 serving! Count out twelve crisps, then close the bag for your own safety, and enjoy!
· Welch’s Fruit Snacks in Island Fruit – Another way to sneak a little vitamin C, and even a full serving of fruit, into your snacking regime! These are a step above your standard cherry, grape, orange, blah blah fruit snacks. With flavors like Pineapple, Kiwi, and Mango, they are fantastic mid-meal pick me up. They’re fat free and provide 100% of your daily Vitamin C, and 25% of A & E.
o Nutrition Info – 80 Calories per snack bag. Also, as mentioned above, the American Diabetic Association counts these as 1 full serving of fruit!
o Serving Tip – It’s more of a purchase tip than a serving tip. Wal-mart sells huge boxes of these individual packets for around $5. Not too shabby!
Alright, loves, enjoy your Friday! And I shall return next week to tell tales of my weekend in wonderful Canton, TX.
K. Smith
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Another Challenge
At small group last night, we discussed time management. Now, I consider myself fairly well-versed in the laws of using time wisely, but hey, we can all use some improvement. The longer I stared at my planner, the bigger the realization grew that my TM skills could use some sharpening, and my schedule could definitely use some tweaking. Through our discussion, I discovered four things I’d like to make time for. I figured sharing them would fit right in with the running self-improvement theme going on here. Here’s my list:
1) Devotions – not so surprisingly, this was on almost everyone’s list
2) Complete 1-2 crafts per month – this is mainly in an effort to reduce the number of “I’ll turn this into that” projects piling up in my craft room. This is especially crucial because I’ll be going to Canton this weekend and will undoubtedly come home with at least 3 more of said projects.
3) Hone my photography skills – I’ve got stacks of books, editing software tutorials and other things that have the potential of helping me improve my craft of choice, if I’d only take the time to actually use them. Also, I’m thinking about taking a photography class at UTA.
4) Work on Teen Life stuff – my favorite group of young adolescents are awesome enough to deserve a leader who will spend more than just the minimal amount of time required working on a lesson. I want to be better for them (and for God, duh).
5) Blogging – so far, so good, yeah?
So it seems I have set myself on a lofty quest…lofty, yet doable, I think. God does not promise me tomorrow, so I shall not fret about it. Just as with the health stuff, I’ll take it a day at a time.
Also, since quotes are one of my favorite things, I’ve decided to share one with you each Wednesday. Here’s today’s:
“Endeavor to be always patient of the faults and imperfections of others for thou has many faults and imperfections of thine own that require forbearance. If thou are not able to make thyself that which thou wishest, how canst thou expect to mold another in conformity to thy will?” -Thomas A. Kempis (1380-1471)
-K. Smith
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
The Never Ending Challenge
So for what seems like the hundredth time in my almost 24 years, I am once again embarking on a fitness journey. There are two primary motivations for my new self-challenge. First, I am well aware of the congested arteries and high blood pressures that run through the veins of my family tree. Many good things are passed from generation to generation, but bad health certainly isn’t one of them. If I intend to change the course set out by Denmans, Norrels, Nelsons and Wards before me, I must change the way I live. This means more moving, less snacking.
Secondly, I have fallen prey to the one element of being a newly-wed that I told myself I would never be subjected to…weight gain. Despite my attempts at healthy cooking, thanks to the combination of hormones (thank you Yaz), a husband who gets me free food at On the Border, and sheer exhaustion that keeps my rear planted firmly on my sofa the weight came on. Granted, it’s not much, but it’s enough to seriously bother me.
In short, I have come to accept that wallowing in self-pity doesn’t do a darn thing. Also, although I never thought of myself as an “emotional eater”, I have recently come to identify some disturbing traits…crappy day at work? Treat myself to Chicken E!...Too tired to cook? Scarf down three bowls of Antonio’s Chips and Salsa (I’m quite sure these will be the bane of my dieting existence). Essentially, I’ve been rewarding myself with unhealthy food. Gosh dang it, I deserve it! This is [obviously] a trend that has to stop.
So although my past of fitness failures is nagging at my mustard seed of determination, I shall press on. One day at a time. And while I’m well aware no one will find my endeavors that intriguing, I am writing them in a public forum because to do so means that I am accountable - to myself, to the one roaming reader who might stumble upon my ramblings, to the seemingly infinitesimal void that is the internet…the words are in print – there’s no going back!
The main goals:
1) Eat my daily suggested servings of fruits & veggies
2) Stay within my calorie “budget”
3) Work out at least 5 times a week, 20-30 minutes per day.
So, here goes nothing..or is it everything? Time shall tell.
-K. Smith