Thursday, May 7, 2009

le jardin

So I accidently missed quote Wednesday…not that I think anyone was too disappointed, but still. So here’s the quote that was supposed to be up yesterday:

“It is a paradoxical but profoundly true and important principle of life that the most likely way to reach a goal is to be aiming not at that goal itself but at some more ambitious goal beyond it.”

-Arnold Toynbee, 1889-1975

If I had started this blog a few months ago, everyone would already know that my husband and I have endeavored to start our own garden. Since you didn’t get a step by step update thus far, I’ll provide you with a condensed version of our experiment:

· A few months ago we started seeds indoors for these plants:

o Squash

o Cucumber

o Tomato

o Bell Pepper

o Lavender

o Cilantro

o Parsley

o Green Onion

o Oregano

· We also bought the following for transplanting:

o Peppers

o Rosemary

o Onions

o Blueberry bushes (2 different varieties for cross-pollination)

o Lady Cross Dragon vines (for the posts of our pack patio)

o Snap Dragons

o Marigolds (for the veggie garden)

· The entire back half of our yard was originally a garden, but the soil hasn’t been worked in a LONG time, so because of drainage issues, we had to go with a raised bed, which we built ourselves.

· A little work and a lot of money later, we have a beautiful seedling of a garden (pun intended), and I’m SO excited to see it growing and doing well!

· We’ve run across a couple of hitches – some small animal likes to play (and poop) in our garden. That’s no fun. And the wind killed 2 of our bell pepper plants. Also no fun. Also, squirrels keep burying their nuts in various places throughout my yard and garden. I don't enjoy this!

So that’s the general run down. I plan to post pictures tomorrow of the garden, as well as the little gem I discovered this morning – my squash have pretty little squash blossoms! I love it. It’s such a wonderful feeling of accomplishment knowing Jon and I were able to do all of this from scratch (or most of it).

Blessings to you, and here’s to hoping the sun peeks out sometime soon so my plants keep thriving!

K. Smith

1 comment:

  1. I am so excited about you two's garden! I would love to see pictures! I am sorry thought for the squirrels burring their nuts in your garden.
