Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Never Ending Challenge

So for what seems like the hundredth time in my almost 24 years, I am once again embarking on a fitness journey. There are two primary motivations for my new self-challenge. First, I am well aware of the congested arteries and high blood pressures that run through the veins of my family tree. Many good things are passed from generation to generation, but bad health certainly isn’t one of them. If I intend to change the course set out by Denmans, Norrels, Nelsons and Wards before me, I must change the way I live. This means more moving, less snacking.

Secondly, I have fallen prey to the one element of being a newly-wed that I told myself I would never be subjected to…weight gain. Despite my attempts at healthy cooking, thanks to the combination of hormones (thank you Yaz), a husband who gets me free food at On the Border, and sheer exhaustion that keeps my rear planted firmly on my sofa the weight came on. Granted, it’s not much, but it’s enough to seriously bother me.

In short, I have come to accept that wallowing in self-pity doesn’t do a darn thing. Also, although I never thought of myself as an “emotional eater”, I have recently come to identify some disturbing traits…crappy day at work? Treat myself to Chicken E!...Too tired to cook? Scarf down three bowls of Antonio’s Chips and Salsa (I’m quite sure these will be the bane of my dieting existence). Essentially, I’ve been rewarding myself with unhealthy food. Gosh dang it, I deserve it! This is [obviously] a trend that has to stop.

So although my past of fitness failures is nagging at my mustard seed of determination, I shall press on. One day at a time. And while I’m well aware no one will find my endeavors that intriguing, I am writing them in a public forum because to do so means that I am accountable - to myself, to the one roaming reader who might stumble upon my ramblings, to the seemingly infinitesimal void that is the internet…the words are in print – there’s no going back!

The main goals:

1) Eat my daily suggested servings of fruits & veggies

2) Stay within my calorie “budget”

3) Work out at least 5 times a week, 20-30 minutes per day.

So, here goes nothing..or is it everything? Time shall tell.

-K. Smith

1 comment:

  1. How fun that you started a blog! (By the way, we were in Tri Chi together for a bit... I'm not a random stalker...ha!) I'm seriously hitting the "get in shape" train myself. My baby is 6 months old... it's time to stop using that excuse!
