Friday, September 16, 2011

Awake, My Soul

Awake, my soul, you were born to meet your maker!

Such a beautifully sung lyric from Mumford & Sons. And though it can seem to point to thoughts of death or heaven, for me it’s a call to today. I think for a fuller understanding, it might be better to even say “you were born to KNOW your maker”. Simplistic, I know. But sometimes it’s the simplest things I seem to miss from day to day. Those two thoughts, though – the call to our souls to rise from their sleepy state and the knowing of our maker – are so inescapably linked.

CS Lewis said, “If I discover within myself a desire which no experience I this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world.”

I think we all feel it at some point in our lives. Some know it more frequently than others, some spend their days trying to silence it, and we may all label it differently, but it’s a universal tugging at something in us. We survey the world around us and one word just reverberates in our hearts and heads: MORE.
How many days go by that I spend not recognizing my maker’s call? How much time, effort, money and self-focused passion have I invested into trying to answer that deep, intrinsic insistence for more? And how many times will I return to my knees to understand that the very one who created me, and that call, is the only one that can answer it? Countless, I’d say. Thank God for grace.
We can plunge ourselves into the pursuit for earthly greatness, even achieve it, perhaps, but in the deep recesses of our hearts the question, the longing lingers. It may come softly, in the quiet moments. It may come as a deafening shout at the pinnacle of our earthly success. Yes, He created us for great things. Oh, that we may never forget that the greatness is defined by HIM, to please HIM, to reflect HIM, for the increased-knowing of HIM.

Psalm 57 voices the same call as the lyrics above, “Awake, my heart!” and what I truly love is what follows a couple lines later: “I will wake the dawn with my song”. That’s not a whispered life. That’s the unabashed boldness of a life of exaltation! That’s our joining in creation’s ever-present song, because it’s a life being lived as it was intended – not driven by its own agenda but by the freeing reliance on the plan of the Creator.

The full-bodied, wonderful answer to that Call for More will come when we do meet Him. Its why, I agree with Lewis, we’ll never find our full satisfaction here. All the better motivation for the journey He’s set us on. Pursue the heart of the one who made you and you’ll find within him those things that stir your soul – we aspire to creativity because He is creative, we seek beauty because He is the author of what is truly beautiful, we long for adventure because the bravery, courage and fearlessness it requires is what He asks from and promises to those who trust Him. May we not lose sight of the creator in pursuit of His creation. May we instead, in our confidence, wake the dawn with our song, the swelling refrain of a heart that is finally awake.

My heart is confident in you, O God; my heart is confident. No wonder I can sing your praise! Wake up, my heart! Wake up, o lyre and harp! I will wake the dawn with my song.

I will thank you, Lord, among the people. I will sing your praises among the nations. For your unfailing love is as high as the heavens, your faithfulness reaches to the clouds.
Be exalted, O God

- Psalm 57: 7-11

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