Thursday, June 30, 2011

What a Year Can Do

My God-send of a best friend and I were chatting yesterday about the last 12 months in review. She knows I'm a touch obsessed with lists, and she has a planner which challenges her to make a different list every week (why don't I own this?), and this week's list just happened to be "list your accomplishments/achievements from the past year". She invited me to play along, and I'll admit that it was a challenge. I realized that:
a) Time can quite literally fly by you. It's something I think we all know, and yet this truth (and all its weighty implications) rarely makes it to the application stage in our daily lives.
b) Success is relative. She and I have each marked notches in our "achievement" tree this past year, but they happen to be of greatly varying depths. She was able to graduate college, got shot at and lived (interesting but true story behind her now well-touted street cred), competed in a Bioethics debate at Duke University, and marked a few things off of her life's to-do list. As I began to dig into the past year's memories and activities, I felt rather unaccomplished; no major milestones took place for me. But, the longer I thought about it, the more I came back to that humbling and comforting truth that I'm not in competition with anyone. I did great things, by my own definition, in the past year. Could I have done more? Possibly. But regret and longing for the past robs today of its energy and possibility. So, frankly, I'm just not going to go there.

All that to say, here's my list:
- I learned to bake bread
- I have learned to eat a much greater variety of vegetables and fruit
- I (along with my husband)have managed to pay for his undergrad with no loans
- I ran a 5k and a 10k
- I used my sewing machine for the first time and sewed my first craft
- I threw my first craft party
- I lost 5 pounds
- I volunteered at Mission Arlington for the first time
- I gave up soda for 4 months
- I tried kayaking for the first time (and fell in love)
- I owned a restaurant and made it to the 2 year anniversary (almost - July 5th!)

I encourage you to take a look back at the past 12 months - there are bound to be some successes, some failures, some happy moments and some disappointments, but they all have brought you to today. Maybe it'll provide a little inspiration for next year's look-back.

- Decide the person you want to be and make your choices accordingly. -


Friday, June 24, 2011

In everything turn, turn, turn

The thing I love about writing is it creates a snapshot in time. Of the thoughts, feelings, goals, dreams, desires, knowledge (or lack thereof) of the writer. As I look back on these writings from two years ago, I'm both comforted and set uneasy by the things I read. This brief snapshot in review shows me that in two year's time, I've made progress in ways I never would've thought, but also tells me how easily goals go unachieved when they are not prioritized. A general list:

- I am leaps and bounds improved where my nutrition habits are concerned. Perfect? Hardly. But I do make conscious, thought-out choices where most food is concerned. I've cut out an extremely large portion of my processed foods habit and I now embrace fruits and veggies with semi-open arms (hey, I'm a work in progress). I'm proud of the changes I've made!

- While I still struggle with consistent 5-days-a-week exercise, I achieved two goals I NEVER thought possible - to run a 5k and 10k - and I'm on my way to achieving a third, which is running a half-marathon in October of this year. I could write for a good while about the life lessons this running endeavor has taught me. We'll save it for later.

- I still have a garden...and I still end up killing most of what I attempt to grow. It's simply the result of lack of focus on improving my knowledge and skills in this area. I am blessed when some crops magically reappear, even after a season at the mercy of my negligent hands. Small favors, I suppose. I haven't given up on this goal, but this snapshot of how far, or rather not far, I've come in two years could just be the fire under my seat needed to push me to succeeding.

- I still own a pie shop. Its sad to realize how much of the excitement has dwindled under the pressure of bills, struggles, slow seasons of business and all-around stress over the past 24 months. Lets just say this isn't where I expected us to be. Whether because my initial expectations were ill-founded or whether it was due to a lack of something - passion, drive, ideas, etc - from any one business partner, or a little of both, we are working to move into a new season of our business. I am extremely proud, blessed and happy to report that my spouse and I still maintain an incredibly strong relationship with our best friends and business partners. This is no small miracle, and I thank God for it often. By this standard alone, we have beaten many odds. If this business ever fails but this friendship survives, I will stake my "Success!" flag and let it proudly wave.

- Crafting. Oh, what to say, what to say. This goal...well, I think it got shoved in the disaster area that is my craft room, lost in the abyss along with my rotary cutter and spray adhesive, and has since become quite malnourished. In a recent attempt to simplify the heck outta my life, there is a glimmer of hope and promise of it returning to a place of prominence in my household. Hey, I at least looked
at my sewing machine this week.

- God has taught me things, brought people and Words my way that have somewhat transformed my conversations with Him, and my ideas about what being His really looks like. Akin to the lessons learned while putting foot to pavement, these slow peeling-backs could fill pages. For now, I'll suffice it to just say "Tis' so sweet to trust in Jesus". Doesn't that kind of sum it up?

So, that's that. I'm writing again because I feel like I need to. There's nothing new I can offer the ever-crowding blogosphere, but I'm OK with that. An important lesson I'm learning in this season of my life is that I am not in competition with anyone else. God is writing His story, I'm grateful to be a part, and at the end of the day it's not about me. (And, if you think about it, aren't you glad it isn't? I think He's the only one who can handle that pressure).

Be blessed,
