Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Off the wagon

Well, I'd say that was quite the hiatus.

Lets begin this return with a few confessions: I have COMPLETELY fallen off the healthy lifestyle wagon...and the blogging wagon (until this moment)...and pretty much any wagon I think I might have been on. My life feels as if it has taken a complete days are definitely not what they used to be. The reason?

WE BOUGHT A RESTAURANT! Well, technically its a restaurant and pie shop/bakery, but nonetheless, my life now fully and completely revolves around cooking...and pie...lots and lots of pie.

Its been a whirlwind adventure since the beginning of July,when my husband and I, along with our two best friends Mikey and Lisa, bought the Pie Place in Burleson, TX. In the past months, we have been trained in restaurant management using what some might call the "sink or swim" method. Its been utterly exhausting, emotionally and physically trying, exhilarating, terrifying, and all-together lovely. I have never spent so much time on my feet, or so few hours sleeping, or spent so much time in a kitchen in all my 24 years.

It might seem as if I'm complaining - I certainly am not, I'm only being candid about the whole experience. When someone tells you that owning a restaurant is hard work, BELIEVE THEM! Its also rewarding to know that people love something that you've created....that you're responsible for bringing people together over warm plates of food and yummy slices of pie. I love hearing the phrase "I'm so stuffed" uttered in the shop, because it means it was just too good to stop. Food is a universally uniting force. I am honored to be a small part of such a powerful thing.

So, in summary:
1) I would love to get back to blogging...but I also know i have precious few hours of downtime, and I usually want to spend them decompressing my brain, so I'm aware that it isn't likely.
2) I do plan on attempting to get back to a healthy lifestyle. I have finally gotten to the point where I'm not eating pie every day, so that is a huge improvement. :)
3) We would love for you to come have a meal at our the restaurant, that is, not out actual home (although I'm sure that'd be equally lovely).

Please, grace us with your presence (and we'll grace you with some pie!)

Pie Place Cafe & Bakery
104 E. Ellison St
Burleson, TX 76028
(located in Old Town Burleson)

Well, duty calls.

Peace, love, and pie,
